i CasaGrandeTM

Software for Residential Automation

To automate ideas of better living

 Briefly, what is iCasaGrande Residential Automation?

Imagine a software installed on one PC that:

  automatizes the common facilities of, for example, this whole building

 provides each apartment its own private set of “smart home” functions

 includes a property management business software

 fully integrates automation data with the business data.

Only a software named  iCasaGrande  does all these.

Flexibly configurable. Customizable. Device and communications independence. Inexpensive.

 … and, where can you use iCasaGrande Residential Automation?

 May we tell you more about this unique product?



 So, what is Residential Automation ?


Is a “smart home” smart?

No, you know it only has smart devices.

Are the devices smart?

Consider an ancient switch:

 OFF  a lamp.

 OFF  a fan.


 ON  a lamp.

 ON  a fan.


But the ancient switch is fixed to a wall or the device.

With “smart” phones or with Digital Assistant pods,

the switch has become remote.

It can also be programmed to start and stop at fixed times -

which is nothing new, just like ancient mechanical timers.

 OFF  a lamp.

 OFF  a fan.


 ON  a lamp.

 ON  a fan.


Is the switch therefore “smart”?

No, it is, in truth, just remote.

You are the smart one.

You decide why, when and how long.

The “smart” switch then dumbly executes.

Plus, you know that there is no need to remotely switch on, for example, the oven when you are nearly home.

Anyway, there would be no food in the oven because you would not leave it there all the time you were away,

and the “smart” device can not do it for you.

But if there was a device that knew (found out) each day when you would be back home, knew (proposed)

what you wanted (would like) for dinner, had this dinner (it would have to be the frozen variety) taken

from the freezer and into the oven, had it heated at the right temperature and time, called you when ready, …

… a really smart device that decides to do a task, selects what operations are needed,

does each correctly and in the proper order, and accomplishes the task,

that, you agree, would be a great help.

This, we know, is  AUTOMATION.

On-demand or day-in day-out.

 i CasaGrandeTM is software for creating automations for residences.

A very simple example of a Residential Automation:

 Nice sunny day, in fact, too much sun

 the window blinds roll out for shade

 inside, lights brighten to compensate.

Actually, not so simple:

 Window blinds stutter irritably as clouds pass

 A room has to stay dark for a slide or film projection.

Needed: imagination and the right software.


 What are the components of automation?


Only a few:

SENSORS  to know what is what

ACTUATORS  to do what is asked

SOFTWARE to make sense and actuate


for the other three to get along


Communications (lines) connect Sensors (pink) and Actuators (green) to the Software (yellow).

The universe of sensors, actuators and communications is large and diverse.


These measure an effect such as light, sound, rotation, radiation, motion, etc.

Sensors exist for almost everything (except ghosts).

The simplest are digital, e.g., a switch, either on or off.

Others measure analog effects, e.g., light intensity varying from dark to bright.


These produce an effect such as light, sound, radiation, motion, etc.

The simplest are digital, e.g., a lock, either on or off.

Others produce analog effects, e.g., light, varying from dark to bright intensity.

Actuators can consist of other actuators, e.g., a remote-controlled surveillance camera is an actuator.

The camera breaks down the command received into separate commands to its built-in rotation,

elevation, zooming, infra-red light and filming actuators.


These are basically languages and means.

Languages - actually different protocols of electric signals – describe the information.

There are many protocols (a 100? see partial list below) and in different domains (building,

industrial, vehicle, meter reading, …). Most started as proprietary but a few have become

standards in their domain.

Means transmit the information.

Excluding drums, flags, smoke, telepathy, etc., there are fortunately not too many means left:

wire, wifi, radio, optical. The means are arranged into networks (star, mesh, ring, …),

to achieve a desired security, reliability, efficiency.


Here is a simplified example of how iCasaGrande would use these components progressively to improve

energy efficiency in the HVAC (heating ventilation air conditioning) system of an apartment building.



The example illustrates that:

o     Automations are made up of actions

controlling the different HVAC components

o     Actions are initiated by events

internal and external temperature changes

o     Events are caused by sensors or actions

temperature sensors, seasonal adjustments

o     The sequence of actions can vary

actions on a sunny day or a cloudy day.


 What does  i CasaGrandeTM do?


iCasaGrande presents this large and diverse universe of sensors, actuators and communications

as generic virtual items.

So they can be employed in a standard way.

So new sensors/actuators can easily replace similar old or broken ones.

So no hassles (and risks) with proprietary languages, means and interfaces.

Removing the hard-work of turning ideas into automations.

After all, getting and developing ideas is already hard work !

 Residential Automation is a beneficial automation. 

It does not replace employment because

it does tasks that were not possible before in residences

(the automation of creative ideas set free),

or tasks that you would personally have to do yourself

(when you would rather do something else).

iCasaGrande simply automates your ideas of better living

Some simple ideas for Residential Automation:


Without iCasaGrande

iCasaGrande automation

Why do I have to wait for the elevator to come to the ground floor when I enter my apartment building?

Use a smart phone app to enter the apartment building.

Then, use a smart phone app to call the elevator.

Now, wait for the elevator.

The automation asks for my entry code, and verified, opens the entrance and calls the elevator.

So the elevator will be waiting for you.

I wish to air my residence, but I often forget to shut the open window afterwards or I shut it too soon.

All you could do with a smart phone is open or close a window – if you do not forget.

The automation monitors the air freshness, opening or closing a window(s) accordingly. It closes open windows and disables the procedure when there is no one in (or there is a fire or it is really freezing or polluted outside).

Here are 2 more elaborate ideas for Residential Automation:

Example 1. Security for an elderly person (or employing automation in new ways)


Elderly person does not return to bedroom during the night.


Monitor the bedroom exit and return during the night; SMS if not returned.


Light the corridor during passage.


Also SMS if return not “sensed” after estimated time required for full trip.


e.g. motion detectors, floor pressure pads, infrared beam detectors, clock.


e.g. lights, SMS transmission.


Example 2. Irrigation (or automation for scarce resources or complex environments)


Irrigating different plants with different needs, in parks and gardens. To avoid wastage by watering some too much and others too little. To solve insufficient water pressure and availability issues. Account for frost, rain and heat. Safely leave grounds unattended during vacation. Etc.


Irrigate selectively.


Consider external variables (weather, season, slopes).


Keep activity logs; receive SMS for problem; remote control.


e.g. humidity, PH, flow meters, weather data, clock.


e.g. valves, pumps, SMS transmission.



These examples illustrate another aspect of Residential Automation:

o    making living easier and safer

o    while economizing resources and energy.

But … that … is … not … all.

iCasaGrande is much  much  more . . .


 More – yes, really !


iCasaGrande is more than presenting sensors and actuators as generic components.

iCasaGrande is more than hiding the complexities of communications.

iCasaGrande is more than an automation here and an automation there.

 i CasaGrandeTM is a full infrastructure.

 The residence

iCasaGrande is for a single residence (villa, apartment, office), or for an apartment building,

or for a building estate, or even for an agglomerate.

The residences are modeled both as pictures and as data objects.


Why does the software need to “see” them as hierarchical data objects?


o    they are really hierarchical

(rooms in apartments, apartments in a building, …)

o    the software can then manage their differences

(a room is different from an apartment, …)

o    various other objects can be appropriately associated

(rental contracts for an apartment, owner of a building, …)

 The components

How can you interrogate and control the sensors and actuators?

Initially, you need to add them into the data object.

For example, add the fire detector in the kitchen object in the hierarchy.

Then, afterwards, whenever you want, you mouse-right-click on the one that interests you.

For example, click on the fire detector if you fear the kitchen downstairs is on fire.

Now, you select from the choices (inquiry, delete, …) displayed.

For example, click on delete (NO! NO! it does not put out the fire!).


Actually, the software can also continuously display the status of a component.

For example, showing if the kitchen is on fire.

However, as you may be sleeping when that happens,

(and the delete only removes the fire sensor virtual object from the data)

please read the next 2 items.

 The logic of automation

A key component of Residential Automation is the software logic to do it.

iCasaGrande has many generic logic packets ready-to-use

But it also allows creating new custom logic “packets”,

using basic script or comprehensive standard C++ programming languages.

The logic can be simple or as complex as the automation required.

For example, when the kitchen decides to burn,

the fire detector “informs” the relevant logic packet,

which proceeds to

actuate the house siren (or its voice synthesizer to call “fire! kitchen!”).

But the automation can be more advanced; it could also:

o     actuate motors to close any open kitchen windows

o     co-ordinate corridor leds to show exits for leaving the house

o     if the fire persists, actuate the alarm call to the fire-brigade.

A logic packet can be repeated to use in different situations or places, so that, for example, each

apartment has its own fire alarm tailored to the apartment and installed sensors and actuators.

 The automations

An automation is realized by “joining” the appropriate components together.

The logic packets serve as (intelligent) bridges for the needed sensors and actuators.

A basic automation has a sensor joined to an actuator via a generic logic packet.

This logic packet detects when the joined sensor passes a threshold (a logic packet parameter).

The logic packet then activates the joined actuator.

Automations can be far more complex.

iCasaGrande allows multiple sensors and actuators to be joined to a logic packet.

Logic packets can themselves be a sensor or serve as an actuator or both.

Chains of multiple logic packets – with their sensors and actuators - can be setup.

A sensor or an actuator can be joined to several logic packets (economizing costs).

All of these can be done using familiar mouse drag-n-drop,

and they can be changed anytime.

 The real world

Since iCasaGrande is in the real world of buildings and apartments and such,

all these must be created in the data object hierarchies described above.

Then, of course, we live in them, own them, manage them.

So the software must know us.


For automations involving security, maintenance problems, emergencies and such,

iCasaGrande needs to know who can enter a building, or do what, who to call, etc.

For all the business needs such as invoices, accounts, charges, maintenance,

iCasaGrande needs to know who is the person or party concerned, etc.

The real world you deal with and all the automations added - fitting into one single software.

A single software to learn - use – support – maintain – ahem, license.

 The business

Since iCasaGrande is in the real world of buildings and apartments and estates,

and they have costs and rents, charges and repairs, a parallel world of business,

what could be more natural that they are included in the software?

With these, iCasaGrande is also a full Property Management software.







If iCasaGrande is appropriately implemented (with sensors and software) for measuring the consumption

of energy resources by each residence, these data are integrated into the business data and available for

invoicing or reporting to the resident.

The integration is transparent,

but the savings in office work are real

and the ecologic impact will be positive.

 The accounting

iCasaGrande is also a full Accounting software.

It benefits from our 40 years experience in business software development in tough markets.

So, there is:

Accounts receivables/payables.

Cost accounting.

General accounting.

and in multi-currency, for multi-years, with full voucher traceback.

 … and before we forget

iCasaGrande is many things geeky also

(but always with an eye to be really useful and be a unique and great product!):



Object oriented C++ development

Real-time update of all operations

Multi-thread efficiency

System logs of the internal workings, communications, etc.

Event logs to record sensor and actuator activity

Auto backup of database

Interface IO written in DHTML & JavaScript

Standalone if Internet connection not desired

Flexible menu creation

Multi-level user authorization

Data displayed in real-time

Multiple installations can be monitored centrally

Internet of Things and voice connectivity

Creation of “dashboards”




 An invitation


We hope we have interested you in the usefulness, economies and ecologic benefits of Residential Automation.

iCasaGrande permits realizing and implementing Residential Automation ideas.


So, if you have a great original idea of a Residential Automation,

that is useful and practical, and saves energy and resources,

write to us about it, because if one day, touch wood,

some kind soul finances us to implement it,

and many adventurous persons want to use it,

we will tell them who had the Great Original Idea in the first place,

and perhaps more.

Thank you.

iCasaGrande to automate your ideas of better living


 Contact us


iCasaGrande is headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Write to us at:    sales@iCasaGrande.com

or    sales@iCasaGrande.ch


 A partial list of PROTOCOLS





















Ethernet Powerlink





Honeywell SDS



















Sinec H1







ZigBee SE




           Copyright © 2018   CMS Computer Management System SA, Lausanne, Switzerland.

            i CasaGrande & iCasaGrande are trademarks of CMS Computer Management System SA, Lausanne, Switzerland.